Julian Park - poolLoop

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Julian Park

about us
Julian Park

is an interdisciplinary creator who has been invited to many international festivals and conferences. After receiving his degree in Educational Theatre from NYU Graduate School, he inspired people with his creative workshops, including his 10-year professorial career in the Film and Theatre Department of Kyung Hee University in South Korea. Currently, his unique paper art workshop 'JPC' (www.jpclab.com) is invited by many organizations around the world. He is also the founder of AQUAWILL. AQUAWILL has brought innovation to the aquarium community with its True-Nature-Aquarium-System and unique discoveries in microbiotic research.
His website presents works in fields such as theater, music, visual arts, photography, literature and more.

Theaterlabor Art Productions
Frankfurt am Main
Mitglied laPROF Landesverband freier professioneller Theater Hessen
Photos & videos
© by Julian Park
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